Future Events

Tickets for Concerts will be available in advance via email from


or at the door on the night.  

Forthcoming concert dates

2 Dec 2023   - Winter concert, St John the Baptist Church, Risca Road, Newport 7.30
13 Dec 2023  - Carols at Bryn Ivor Care Home, Castleton 7pm
29 Feb - 3 March 2024 - Usk Choral Festival Sat 2nd March, The Sessions House, Usk, 5.30
20 April 2024     - Easter Concert, St John the Baptist Church, Risca Road

Rehearsal dates for the next few weeks

  • Saturday 18th November - All morning practice at Richmond Road, beginning 9.30am
  • Wednesday 22nd November - usual practice at Richmond Road 7pm
  • Wednesday 29th November - practice at Richmond Road as usual
  • Friday 1st December - practice at St John the Baptist Church 7pm
  • Saturday 2nd December - practice at St John the Baptist Church, Risca Road, Newport with instrumentalists and soloists 2pm

Programme From Vivaldi to Britten, to include

  • Benjamin Britten A Ceremony of Carols
  • Antonio Vivaldi Magnificat
  • Dieterich Buxtehude Das Neugeborne Kindelein
  • W.A. Mozart Sancta Maria, Mater Dei
  • plus Christmas music by Philip Stopford, Paul Mealor, John Rutter et al